Semiconductor industry
Drying semiconductor materials gently and carefully under vacuum
Highest degree of purity thanks to motionless drying or filter technology (FDA-compliant)
In mechanical engineering, we are also frequently confronted with the keyword “high purity”. Thanks to our first-class expertise and experience in the field of “drying semiconductor materials”, we are able to present a solution: Vacuum technology in combination with an infrared heating system enables a motionless drying system in the clean room – there is no exchange with the ambient air. This specifically prevents contamination. Appropriate attachments and/or additional filter systems can also be adapted.
With most dryer / oven types, the vacuum chamber is evacuated first and then external energy is added using an infrared source. This causes the liquid to be dried to change into a vapour phase even at low temperatures and thus vaporise. This results in homogeneous and gentle drying under vacuum.
Our vacuum dryers / drying ovens are specially designed for these components and customer requirements. We offer the entire spectrum from a standard solution to customised solutions.
If you have any questions about our services or would like to receive an individual offer, feel free to contact us! Simply call us on +49-2871-21927-0 for a personal consultation. Or email us at